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The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 21:06
by Andrew
cause... Theresa May.

only joking... not really joking

been meaning to do this for a little while now, delboy gave me the kick in the a**e to do it :giggle:

you'll probably notice a green padlock in the address bar, this means data is encrypted.

on some pages it will show an exclamation sign or something, this is because of mixed content. that could be an image that is hosted on another website that does not use https. nothing I can really do about that at the moment (I have a solution but it may not be suitable for our hosting) but the core of the forum and data submitted is still encrypted, just not embeded images.

as an example of what this means;

Lumby puts a picture up using the [img] tag of a dog, a "man in the middle"(a hacker on your network for example) can change that picture to show a photo of boobs or can see what that image you are looking at is.

Posts, pm's, logins, profile changes etc are all still encrypted. embeded youtube vids use https so theres no problem there.

this will only ever be the case with images embeded using the IMG tag (if those images dont utilise https://) and peoples avatars that are linked off site. everything internal to is all encrypted.


p.s. I dont expect any issues arising from this change but if so drop me a line here or on the pits facebook page

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 21:26
by davelumb
Couldn't find an encrypted pic of a dog....


Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 21:40
by Mercman
Had to be Delboy causing trouble again... :gulp:

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 21:51
by Happy Hayes
Mercman wrote: Thu Nov 23 2017 21:40 -
Had to be Delboy causing trouble again... :gulp:
If it's not EEs it's Encryption :laughs:

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 21:57
by Nige Johns
Please can you change the picture to a pair of boobs :t*ts:

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 22:18
by zodiac
Did you mean - 'lumby puts up a picture of a pair of boobs, and a hacker can change that to a photo of a dog?'

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 22:31
by davelumb
Please can you change the picture to a pair of boobs :t*ts:
This is the only one I have in my archives. :tongues:


Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 23 2017 22:51
by ChrisWales

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Fri Nov 24 2017 09:15
by alan behenna
Just use a double layer of tinfoil'


Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 30 2017 20:15
by mickmcd
What the fucck was she doing with her feet????

Re: The pit goes encrypted

Posted: Thu Nov 30 2017 20:18
by davelumb
mickmcd wrote: Thu Nov 30 2017 20:15 -
What the fucck was she doing with her feet????
Charcoal dust off the floor. :grin:

Sue is a true legend. ... e-lee.html