You won't be disappointed, I found they take little training, however, I ran a few together and the younger ones did pick a lot up from the older dogs .
Little Maggie, looking forward to having a dog again, even though it’s going to be a lot of hard work to start with
Great choice Al, lovely wee dugs I am sure she will bring you and the family years of joy and laughter.
we got the pup last night, great first night a couple hours of running about daft then a wee nap, when she went to bed there was a few whines but once asleep it was sound till 7am she’s used the matts for a pee a few times so shouldn’t be to bad to house train, the girls are in love already
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Nice one Al.
Enjoy the next chapter that those who don’t have dogs will never understand!
Once the stress of the peeing, chewing, Stealing, biting, destroying and of course the adolescence tantrums are out the way life with a dog is priceless
5C2BEB5D-5721-42F5-A1A4-1217558FA547.jpeg2FDD2E99-11F9-4BD3-AF40-8175C7A250FC.jpeg we got the pup last night, great first night a couple hours of running about daft then a wee nap, when she went to bed there was a few whines but once asleep it was sound till 7am she’s used the matts for a pee a few times so shouldn’t be to bad to house train, the girls are in love already
she looks like butter would not melt .....lovely looking dog
5C2BEB5D-5721-42F5-A1A4-1217558FA547.jpeg2FDD2E99-11F9-4BD3-AF40-8175C7A250FC.jpeg we got the pup last night, great first night a couple hours of running about daft then a wee nap, when she went to bed there was a few whines but once asleep it was sound till 7am she’s used the matts for a pee a few times so shouldn’t be to bad to house train, the girls are in love already
5C2BEB5D-5721-42F5-A1A4-1217558FA547.jpeg2FDD2E99-11F9-4BD3-AF40-8175C7A250FC.jpeg we got the pup last night, great first night a couple hours of running about daft then a wee nap, when she went to bed there was a few whines but once asleep it was sound till 7am she’s used the matts for a pee a few times so shouldn’t be to bad to house train, the girls are in love already
She's lovely Al.
If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is probably not the sport for you!
She’s just worker x worker, patterdale with lakie way back in the line. Fairly relaxed around other dogs but tuff enough when working. Was meant to get out this morning checking holes but life got in the way. That’s it till September now. She can relax now, although she’ll be bouncing!!
Took little Maggie a walk down the shore on Sunday, she’s turning into a great little dog
He can be a hand full at times, there’s no in between with him he’s straight from 0 to a 100 in a split second and when he goes there’s no stopping him! Having said that he’s nearly 6 now so he’s a touch more chilled these days.